Where Can I Go For Essure® Removal?

Happy husband and wife at consultation at pregnancy planning clinic.At Huey and Weprin OB/GYN, we work with women in the communities of Englewood and Kettering, OH, to help them choose birth control treatments that are right for their individual needs. In the past, many women opted for a birth control device known as Essure®. Though this medical device initially received FDA approval, it has been discontinued and is currently no longer available. However, women experiencing complications or side effects from Essure® and wanting to have it removed are welcome to call our office to learn about Essure® removal.

What Is Essure®?

Essure® was a medical device that was previously approved by the FDA to prevent pregnancy. It worked through the insertion of a small metal coil into each of the fallopian tubes. The coils created a barrier that blocked sperm from entering the uterus, preventing fertilization and effectively preventing pregnancy. Essure® was a form of permanent birth control, as it was designed to be permanent with no reversible option. In 2018, the manufacturer of Essure®, Bayer®, voluntarily discontinued sales in the United States due to decreasing demand and an increase in reports of severe risks and complications.

Why Was Essure® Removed From the Market?

Essure® was removed from the market due to its significant risks and complications. After Essure® gained FDA approval, reports of adverse events began to surface. These included pain, bleeding, allergic reactions, and inefficiency. Additionally, women reported migration of the device outside of their fallopian tubes or through the uterine wall, an occurrence with potentially serious consequences.

The most common reason for the removal of Essure® was an unplanned pregnancy, and a considerable number of these pregnancies resulted in ectopic (tubal) pregnancies which can be life-threatening for both mother and baby if left untreated. Additionally, Essure®’s design itself has been found to be faulty.

Where Can I Go To Have Essure® Removed?

At Huey and Weprin OB/GYN, we are here for you! We are available to remove Essure® from the uterus if you are experiencing side effects from its use. Our offices are located in both Kettering and Englewood, OH and are open to new patients. Call 937-771-5100 to request an appointment at either practice location.

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