As the country begins to slowly reopen, one of the most important things we all need to keep in mind is that COVID-19 is not going away. The stay home effort across the country has, for the most part, done its job in helping prevent such a rapid rise in cases that we overwhelmed hospitals, but to say that we are completely out of the woods would be reckless. As we move forward, we will need to redefine how we handle health and safety with a permanent change in habits.
Wear a Mask
Whether you are going grocery shopping or coming to our office for an appointment or going anywhere else in public where you may come in contact with others, please wear a mask. Masks are now mandatory for all staff and visitors at Huey & Weprin. A mask prevents the spread of droplets. Wearing a mask keeps the people around you safer.
Wash Your Hands
You will see most businesses installing hand washing stations and hand sanitizing stations in convenient locations throughout their businesses. Use them. Washing your hands with soap and water is the most effective method for preventing the spread of germs, including COVID-19, which breaks down in soapy suds.
Expect Screenings Everywhere You Go
Airports and retail stores plan to have entry screenings where you will be asked about any symptoms you have, and you may be required to have your temperature taken. At Huey & Weprin, for the safety of our staff and other patients, any person with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed in.
Safety Must Be Our First Priority
Because of the nature of the patients we work with, which includes a high number of expectant moms, we must be extremely cautious. This is why we have instituted a policy requiring anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 to be symptom-free for four weeks before coming to our offices. You will also be required to bring proof of a negative test.
We know scientists around the world are working urgently to develop a vaccine and treatment protocol. Until such time, these policies will help us keep our patients and our employees as safe as possible.
With specialized care and cutting-edge treatments in obstetrics and gynecology, Huey & Weprin Ob/Gyn offers a wide variety of gynecologic and obstetric services from leaders in Ob/Gyn research development. Call 937.771.5100 or fill out the form on this page to schedule an appointment.